Synopsis: Kotetsu T. Kaburagi, a.k.a. Wild Tiger, and Barnaby Brooks Jr.’s partnership comes to a sudden end when Apollon Media’s new owner Mark Schneider fires Kotetsu and moves Barnaby back into the First League, pairing him up with Golden Ryan, a new hero with awesome powers and a huge ego to match. When the heroes are sent to investigate a string of strange incidents tied closely to the city’s Goddess Legend, they discover three superpowered NEXTs plotting to bring terror and destruction to Stern Bild. [Source: Cathay Cineplexes]
A continuation of where the anime left off. Things do start to get interesting when Barnaby was paired with a new egoistic partner and Kotetsu was fired and has to deal with life being back to a normal civilian. The movie itself was pretty average but it was rather good to see that the heroes decided to discard the rivalry among themselves and worked together to defeat the evil at the end of the movie. This was something that did not happened in the anime as usually, the heroes will try to outdo each others in apprehending the criminals.
Rate: 6/10