Synopsis: Hatori Matsuzaki (Mirei Kiritani) is a female high school student. She has a crush on her childhood friend Rita Terasaka (Kento Yamazaki) and believes he will eventually choose her as her heroine, but Rita Terasaka begins dating Miho Adachi. Meanwhile, the most popular male student, Kosuke Hiromitsu (Kentaro Sakaguchi) takes an interest in Hatori Matsuzaki. [Source: Golden Village]
A light-hearted comedy based on the Japanese manga "Heroine Shikkaku" (ヒロイン失格). According to review, this movie top another famous movie "Attack on Titan: End of the World" during its second week of release. I must say the feat attained speak for itself. While Attack on Titan movie was poorly done, this "Heroine" was fun to watch, humorous at times and keep audiences on the edge guessing what is this "heroine" up to next. Definitely a good movie not to be miss.
Rate: 7.5/10