Synopsis: You are invited to return to the magical Greek island of Kalokairi in an all-new original musical based on the songs of ABBA. With Mamma Mia! The Movie’s original cast — including Meryl Streep, Pierce Brosnan, Colin Firth, Stellan Skarsgård, Julie Walters, Dominic Cooper, Amanda Seyfried & Christine Baranski—returning, new additions include Lily James, Josh Dylan, Hugh Skinner, Jeremy Irvine, Alexa Davies, Jessica Keenan Wynn, Andy Garcia & Cher. Judy Craymer & Gary Goetzman return to produce Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again. Craymer is also the creator and producer of the worldwide smash-hit stage musical. Ol Parker writes and directs the sequel from a story by Catherine Johnson, Richard Curtis & Parker. Benny Andersson & Björn Ulvaeus return to provide music and lyrics and serve as EPs. Tom Hanks, Rita Wilson, Phyllida Lloyd, Richard Curtis and Nicky Kentish Barnes also serve as EPs. [Source: Golden Village]
Plunge into the world of ABBA with some familiar and some not so familiar songs as the musical weaves you through the past and present life of Sophie and Donna (Sophie's mum). Some of the songs will be very familiar, as they were last reboot by A*Teens some 20 years ago. Just sit back and enjoy the singing...Mamma Mia! The story is wonderfully done too!
Rate: 8/10