Synopsis: Three years after Your Name, Makoto Shinkai returns with his latest film, Weathering With You. When small town high schooler Hodaka Morishima makes a go at living on his own in Tokyo for the first time, it isn’t long before he finds steady work writing for a local magazine focused on all things strange and supernatural -- but the most interesting thing happening in the boy’s life is the unusual weather. Rain’s common enough in the city that at first, no one makes much of the recent torrential showers that never seem to end, but unbeknownst to nearly everyone, a young girl named Hina Amano who has the ability to control the weather walks among them. [Source: Golden Village]
Another good anime film by Makoto Shinkai. Striking similar style as "Your Name", good music and at times, moving plot will keep the audience captivated on the screen. I must say the English translation of the movie title doesn't do the movie any justice. Perhaps, "Child of the Weather" would be a more fitting title compared to "Weathering with you". Good movie to catch in this season of anime film feast. On a side note, perhaps the author is trying to make a point on global warming?
Rate: 7.5/10