Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Australia Day 10 - Outlet Shopping & Darling Harbor Fireworks

18 May - There are only 2 main plans for today. First half of the day will be spent at Birkenhead Point Outlet mall shopping for discounted items, while the second half of the day will be spent at Darling Harbor for their weekly Saturday Fireworks Display. This round, we chose to visit the Birkenhead Point as it is slightly bigger and nearer to our hotel, compared to the DFO Homebush Outlet Mall that we went in 2009 (15 years ago!). In the end, we did managed to pick up some good deals.

Birkenhead Point Outlet Mall

Went back to our hotel via Uber and rested for a while before having a quick dinner and making our way to Darling Harbor in the late evening. Reached the venue just in time before the firework starts!

The calm before the fireworks display

Fireworks Display at Darling Harbor

Fireworks Display at Darling Harbor

Fireworks Display at Darling Harbor

Fireworks Display at Darling Harbor

Fireworks Display at Darling Harbor

*OEE* seems to enjoy watching the live fireworks for the very first time and wanted more even after the show ended. Have to convince him that the show is no more and the next one will be 1 week later.

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