Friday, July 06, 2007

Dated July 2

Hah! Look what somebody has written??
Isn't "it" Childish??
Need I say anything more?
I think not.

Aha!!!There it goes again...Assuming that I never think before I write and assuming that I assumed that I think before I write and assumed that in reality I did not??Sounds confusing??Doesn't matter anyway...Some just don't get that I'm not a mind-reader...*rolls eyes*Finally it tells me "straight in the face" that it dislikes me...It has been what, about 9 months liao...Surely that is a very very long time for it to come to this conclusion...Nah, the most probable reason is that there is no longer any reason for it to continue its hypocrisy...After all, I have just told it about it itself...Criticising me right in front of me??Surely not, it must be mistaken...Because as far as I am aware, I see no figure of it, imaginary or real, appearing in front of me doing the criticising...Maybe that is its definition of "criticising in front"...Yeah right, in front of the bloody computer...So anyway it has decided to, as I quote, "now criticising you right in front of you"...Ya lor, as I've said before, took it 9 months to do that eh??By the way, it also accused me of being childish...Yeah!!Thank you for calling me that!!!I certainly enjoyed my youthfulness...Haha!!Anyway, I think it is kinda absurd...Or a matter of "pot calling the kettle black"...Example:"So what?"Throwing out a reckless challenge..."Neh"Sounds like what the 7 year old kid my mom is babysitting for used to say when she was 5..."You are beyond hope, beyond cure!"Blatant accusation (in a very self-righteous tone) without substance...How many people older then 17 still say that nowadays??Imagine a 14 year old kid (in a whiny voice, no doubt) saying that to another kid who manages to out talk him..."Hope I have burst your vessel"(-__-;)Need I say more??Not to mention that this was plagiarised, please be more creative...So be it... So be it then~~Nice knowing you for about 9 months...Thank goodness it was only 9 months...One of my friend says that "one more friend is always better then having one more enemy"...=-D*smiles sweetly*

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