Wednesday, December 05, 2007

2nd year anniversary

Page Count: 19242 +10781
Year on year increase: +2320 +27.42%
Happy birthday to Kangaroo's Corner!! It has been a busy year, with lots of activities. What have I done last year, lets do a little of recapping:
  1. Seen a overall increase in my overall cap. *yay* I hope the runs continues this semester.
  2. Work and travel in USA. (hopefully can get to travel more in the coming year)
  3. Use of less vulgar language on blog.
  4. Found *mds*.

I am glad that my blog is still well supported by my friends. Hope I have not bored you all with the stuffs I have written. *lol* Posted around 27% increase in viewership compared to last year, hopefully I can turn on my brain power to gives you viewers more entertainment. I hope that more people will continue to come to support my blog, and be entertained by me... haha, ok lah, target set next year: 5% increase?? hmmm...

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