It was once the time of the year again, where the traditional 4L BBQ will take place at boss house. So the "made" event organiser for the year, Fabian, managed to summon a team of highly committed members to go down to Bedok NTUC to buy food and help to carry them back. Unfortunately, due to some technical reasons, I cannot be there to help out at the stipulated time. Nonetheless, I volunteer myself to do the hard work of starting the fire as a punishment~
Got a little surprise from XR!! He brought me a box of chocolate cookie all the way from Japan!! Thanks bro!! Haha, don't know nice a not, I still haven't open the box yet. *opps*
After we are sick of the food, we proceed to play the game Taboo. It is a long story how Taboo came to be the class game of the year. According to some witnesses, the origin is said to be at the Settlers Cafe one fine night, when the people went crazy over who will be the 老鼠屎!For us people who has been brainwashed by science, for a simple term such as sugar, we can used the complicated term C6H12O6 to described!! Power right?? It was fun, and we shouted all the way until... someone from the HDB opposite us started to shout at us to lower down our volume. *opps*
Accompany *mds* to her church today. The pastor was very good, not like those dry preaching session experienced in my secondary days where it will just drove us students to sleep. Hope *mds* has a good dinner at Astons. Sleep well and sweet dreams, *mds*~ =)
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