Friday, December 04, 2009

4th Year Anniversary

4 year on, time really flies. I have since graduated from NUS, found a job which thankfully was something related to my discipline. I am quite glad with the nature of my job currently, but minus the pay of course, they are seriously underpaying me! Someone has said to me before: Go where your skill is honoured in the company, and your life will be easier. Easier to be said than done, but for the work that I am doing currently, they are really not the top concern because we are not the one rolling in the $. Well, there is still greener pasture elsewhere right? Since the start of another year is just around the corner, lets have some new year resolution:

1) Land on a permanent job.
2) Hopefully I can make it for a M.Sc
3) Hopefully I can get a good number.

Some statistic:
Page Count: 35430 +5519
Year on Year increase: -5150 -48.27%

1 comment:

Ken Wooi said...

happy 4th blog year! =D