Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Korea Day 3 part 3

After visiting the trick art museum, our tour proceed on our way to the Osulloc Tea Museum, where they grow tea on their farm and sells them to the public.

The vast tea plantation is just beneath me!

Panorama view of the whole plantation taken from the highest building on the farm

Spider at work to protect the tea from pest

A giant teacup on my hand!

Next up is a visit to a chocolate factory, where each of us gets a cup of free coffee. Hmm, since they are making chocolates, they should give us a chocolate drink instead right?

Ingredients in a dark chocolate which I do not want to know... =)

Master chef at work

After the chocolate factory visit, which was nothing much, we proceed on our way to the last destination of the day. I was rather surprised to find Reilly Believe it or not right next to the museum we are visiting. 3 museum visits in a day, confirm museum overload........

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