Monday, May 19, 2008

Op Starlight AAR

Overall, it can consider to be a success, can be better, that is if I am not sick.... Owww. Stupid flu virus, make me lethargic and have a irritating headache the whole day, on top of my usual coughing and sneezing and a little fever. hmmm, sorry *mds*, for having to put up with me =). ok, I shall now reveal what my objective are that I have been planning for the past 2 weeks:
Objective 1: A gift to my *mds*

Objective 2: How to complete the celebration without flowers?

Objective 3: watch a movie

This failed in the end because I was having a headache and couldn't get out of her house. Stupid virus, why did it chose to strike me now when I have not fall sick even once for the past 9 months??

Objective 4: To eat at a good buffet restaurant

This was also not carried out in the end because of my condition. Initial plan was to bring *mds* to eat at Pariss. I wonder if the food there is good?? hmm...

Objective 5: To see the beautiful Singapore City lights and scenery to wrap up the day.

~Happy 1 year, my *mds* Hope you have enjoy the day~