Sunday, January 01, 2006

Interesting Day at Queensway looking for lost shirt!

First and foremost, Gun Kiat and Kok Sheng, why you never tag at my blog and let me have your blog address?!?!?! I only knew you have come here before when I check my statscounter accounts! Haha, ok la, now I have your blog liao. :)
Today I went with 2 of my best friends in secondary school, KY and Wah to Queensway Shopping Center to shop for New Years clothes and shoes. Little do we know that there will be a little incident coming up on Wah as we made our way home by bus. After we have done our shopping, of which I bought two 3/4 pants for school, spending about $40 ( Have to save a bit, no money left after passing TP), to my horror, Wah discovered that he had lost one of his shirts, which cost him $35!!! The problem is that we are already on the bus, it was arriving at Chinatown and the time is already at 815pm! Normally shops close at 930pm, so we have about 1 hour left to go back and find the shirt. Under sane condition, people would usually take it that they have lost the shirt forever, but Wah decides to give it a try, despite knowing that chances of finding it are minimal, since he doesn't even know where he drop the shirt in the first place!! After taking the bus to rush back and running the 400m sprint back to Queensway shopping center, we tried out the two best location that he might have drop the shirt since time is tight. My stamia is confirmed not there liao, run 400m only can also get shaq!
We split up, with Wah going to the Level 3 toilet to check it out, and me and KY going to the shop where we have bought the shirt before. Luck is not with us, his shirt was not there, but there is still hope, since the shop owner says that she saw him taking the shirt with him as he left the shop. Just at this moment, a "light bulb" light up at KY head - there is still a last possibility, a bag shop where we stop before going for our dinner. Time now is 915pm. Got to rush as the shops are closing fast. Wah is so disappointed at first since the 1st two location turn up nothing. We decide to try out this last shop. If the shirt is still not to be found, then its fate that he will lost the shirt forever. Haha, I don't know if its Gods will, or he just want us to end the year on a happy note? As we walk in, we SAW his shirt sitting behind the cashier counter!!! LOL. He has found his shirt at the last minute!!! He forgot to take his shirt with him after checking out some bags on the shelves! He was really lucky that it was not stolen! I also could not believe his luck!
After that, we took Bus 14 back all the way to Bedok. It was a long journey and guess what? We played Dai Di on the bus!! haha, I am pro!!! Out of 10 rounds, I won 6, and got to shuffle the cards only once!! Lol. If we have played money, I will have won big time!!!
what's well, ends well. To everyone, wish you all a Happy New Year. Funny, why is everyone writing a New Year resolution?

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