Sunday, August 17, 2008

Essential Brew Tea Cafe and Restaurant

Met up with LT on Thursday (14/08/08) at Essential Brews. How long ago had we last met before he went off to enjoy himself in the USA at Texas A&M University? =p It was nice spending time catching up and chatting with him in this cozy little shop he recommended. Hope our friendship will last for many more years to come, catching up with each other once in a while~ =)
The shop interior was designed in such a way that it provides people a place to sit down, chill out and talk for hours!! Really, I mean it. There was a group who are there before us and after 2 hours, they are still there chatting away when we left~ It helps when they have nice comfortable couches to sit on and pillows to hug~ We ordered their signature dessert: Plateau Serenade (Picture above). I find this dish quite unique as they have a layer of crunchy cornflakes as base, hazlenuts on the tops and chewy chocolate in the middle. I recommend everyone to try this dish if you ever go there, best if its shared between 2 people~ Other than their dessert, you should also try their T-Jaz and ZOC. Its contains a unique blend of tea with something else and I guarantee that you will like the taste.

Special thanks to LT for getting me this unique shirt from Washington D.C.

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