Wednesday, April 25, 2007

SSA 2202 Changing Landscape of Singapore

Well, though I have already S/U this module, but I still spend considerable time preparing for it. Some people might say that S/U already no need to prepare, confirm will get S one, but I beg to differ. We are required to write 3 essays in 2 hours this time, thanks god, unlike my previous semester arts gem, we had to write 4 essays in 2 hours!! If you never attempt or flunk one of the questions in the essay, there is every chance that you might end up with a U, as proven last semester by me!! Well, though I did not get a U grade, but was almost there. Didn't have time to do one question (15 marks) and I end up with a C+. Hmm, well, the questions today are manageable, the questions that I chose should not be off point, so I guess I should be ok for this module. Estimated : S

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