Wednesday, July 19, 2006


Yes I have work today, so I have to wake up early no matter what. School is starting and it is time to think about what modules to take next semester. The 2 modules that I targeted all clash with my core modules! Thanks lor, NUS for giving me sucky timetable. Can't you open more lecture slots. Now I am faced with 4 core and dunno to take 1 or 2 more rubbish modules. I don't wish to think about it anymore, but the days just gone by and 7 days later it will be the start of round 0 for cores. dot dot dot. Any suggestions? Worse come to worse, I have to clear a science or arts gems, but looking at arts...Anything to do with philosophy is a no go for me! Maybe it is due to the influence of Big Beng, haha, I don't want to be too deep. But my gut feeling tell me I am going to disintegrate if I take anything to do with Philosophy.
If I have a wish, I wish to travel back in time and live the whole holiday again. I am muttering nonsense again. Never mind me, feeling bored. No one is online now, everyone is enjoying their sleep.
One Lost soul,
signing off~

1 comment:

Jelmer said...

Ha.. actually that philo module is like CTW's early part about logical arguments. Like wat fallacy, wat strawman, wat appeal to authority that kind..

Final exams got no essay! Lucky. Mostly, state wat statement is wat kind of fallacy, or draw view dragram or arrows to show a statement's conclusion, premises etc. Or truth's table, whether the argument is valid or wat..

But still, there is always S/U option... lol..

Ok, i'll find out other modules first.. haha